
Many agents have the wrong idea about the purpose of their real estate website.

There is an important distinction that must be made about websites for real estate marketing

Your website is more of a trust and credibility tool and less of a lead generation tool.

Website traffic competition for real estate websites is extremely saturated. The cost to be a contender and elbow your way in for a sliver of a market share far outweighs the return on investment in Balboa Real Estate websitealmost all cases. It’s not advised to try to compete agains massive companies like Zillow and Redfin and their crippling marketing budgets for search engine traffic.

A website for real estate marketing is one that portrays you as a professional and shows that you have your act together enough to have an attractive website. This is somewhere people go to look you up when they are doing internet searches on your name in order to verify your credibility and slowly build trust. Your website should be mentioned on your marketing materials and should be full of content that will engage your target prospects in order to build a relationship.

Don’t get me wrong, your website can be geared towards lead generation too. 

If you are determined to generate leads from your website then you would need to load tremendous amounts of ultra-refined content on your website that is geared to dominate a unique segment that isn’t already heavily saturated. However, their is a cost-benefit analysis to all this. Could the efforts and resources that are put into your website to generate leads be better spent on another form of marketing. In most cases, yes, but YMMV.

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100 commission real estate100 percent comission, but is it really? Avoid additional and hidden fees with Balboa Real Estate.

Real Estate firms have adopted to the trend of offering agents 100 percent commission but through research of competing agencies in California there seems to be few that truly stand by their 100 percent commission tagline.

100 percent commission serves as a motivational strategy to keep agents and brokers engaged because this ideally works to ensures that the agents get the most out of their hard work. However, many of the leading firms in California have other fees that agents, new and seasoned, should be aware of. There is usually a start-up fee, a key charge for using the office, plans requiring monthly or quarterly fees and payments for E&O. Many firms will charge you unneccesary fees going towards benefits that are rarely used by agents. Don’t be fooled by firms stating 100 percent commission. The list of additional fees seems never ending and not even near the 100 percent commission mark once everything is calculated.

At Balboa Real Estate we won’t ask you to pay for services you don’t need or services that should be provided without additional costs. We believe that you should keep all of the commission that you earn and we are a firm that wants to make sure our agents are taken care of. There is a reason why Balboa Real Estate is one of the few true firms that stick as close to the essence of 100 percent commission as possible. Balboa Real Estate wants you to keep as much of the commission at possible and avoid charging our agents all the hidden fees that many other real estate firms charge. Our 100 percent commission plan is as simple, easy and the best in the industry!

Contact us to join and get the 100 percent commission you work hard to earn!

 What is cloud storage and how it applies to Real Estate

By now most agents know what cloud storage is and how beneficial it can be for real estate agents.

Balboa Real Estate Turbo Transaction

To put it simply, cloud storage is a way for all your real estate documents and forms to be loaded onto a server that allows an agent to access them from any computer at any giventime. This server where all your files are stored on is called the “cloud.”

If you have gmail, hotmail, or any web-based e-mail then you are essentially already usually cloud storage. This is because all your e-mail and pictures that people send is stored somewhere else. An e-mail cloud is remote storage so you can access your e-mail from any computer with internet access.

If a real estate agent applies the same concept of accessing an e-mail cloud and applies it to accessing real estate transactions online, then they are using a real estate cloud.

Balboa Real Estate has developed a proprietary cloud exclusively for real estate transaction management.  It is entirely free for agents to use and the fastest and easiest way to submit completed files.

Once a listing is taken an agent can log on and in a matter of seconds upload the listing agreement. Same idea working with buyers. Any document uploaded can be accessed online and sent to any e-mail address at any time. Lost documents become a problem of the past.

When an offer is received on a listing an agent can open escrow, request a preliminary title report, and order and NHD all with a click of the button. This gives the agent a running start on expediting the transaction.

When an agent or the transaction coordinator uploads transaction documents throughout the escrow the the file will be complete so that there won’t be any last minute paper shuffling.

Turbo Transaction is another member service available for Balboa Real Estate agents. We offer agents 100% commission and residual income.




A blog on your real estate website is essential for adding the quality marketing content we always talk about.


This video reveals a secret tip to use for automatically generating content for you blog.

Here are the instructions:

Remember that original targeted content is best.

Put targeted words into Google Alerts and have them e-mailed to you daily.

When you receive relevant articles from Alerts, read them and then type a brief summary and introduction followed by the article link.

Do not copy and paste the article as duplicate content is bad.

Contact me with any questions. | 100% Commission Real Estate | 949.891.1094



I came across a phenomenal article that gives several great examples as to why real estate agents should have community pages for marketing.


Before I post the link to this wonderful in-depth article I must offer offer my own marketing insight along with it:

Your website should be as targeted as can be. Such as a Neighborhood, tract of homes, an enclave, even one complex.

If you are targeting more than one area then you need more than one website.

Your website should be loaded with valuable content on your niche area.

You should utilize a blog to add updated niche information.

Your website should be associated with these social media tools:

  1. Facebook
  2. Pinterest
  3. Google Plus
  4. Twitter
  5. LinkedIn


I’ve said enough for now. Please enjoy the marketing information you’ll learn from this article:




What is a Virtual Assistant (VA) for Real Estate?


Virtual Assistants are people that work remotely and can do any number of online services.
For real estate, virtual assistants offer marketing services for prospects, lead generation, data entry, article writing, website or blog content, market research, social media management and so much more. Balboa Real Estate offers virtual assistant (VA) services for a discount for our agents.


Visit our Virtual Assistant page by CLICKING HERE


Balboa Real Estate offers 100% Commission + Residual Income CLICK HERE




Balboa Real Estate has created the most effective direct mail marketing campaigns in the real estate industry.